Dress as the starting point of wedding.
Instead of choosing the wedding venue first and then the dress, we propose dress as a starting point of wedding.
Our owned media with a new approach.
Business Summary
New media introducing wedding venues without advertising fees.
The concept of our owned media "Dresses" is a wedding starting from the dress selection before the venue selection. There are many media that introduce wedding venues but the major difference is that we don't receive advertising fees from the wedding venues. Since it starts with the dress selection, which is our core business, we are able to generate revenue from our business and not from advertisement. As a result, we can provide information to customers from a neutral standpoint, without being beholden to any particular wedding venue. In addition, by holding events by Dresses, such as the "First Dress Photo" event in which customers can be photographed free of charge in dresses, we can get people widely interested in weddings and create a virtuous cycle in the market.

Our Vison
Energize the bridal industry with dress.
Until now, in most cases, people first choose their wedding venue and then select a dress at a dress shop suggested by the wedding venue. We, as a dress shop, had left it up to the wedding venue to attract customers. We launched the new media "Dresses", with the idea of attracting customers with wedding dresses which are the most attractive items in weddings. We would like to create a new trend where dress shops initiate the relationship with customers and introduce them to wedding venues. In this way, we can contribute more to wedding venues and create a win-win situation. With more and more couples choosing not to have a ceremony, our goal is to make the bridal industry as a whole more exciting, starting with the dress. The unique experience that Dress the Life offers will create your "wedding ceremony".

Our Value
Strengths of having both an owned media and a real business.
"Dresses" is a media that conveys information, organizes events, and provides a consultation service for customers with dedicated concierges helping the search for a wedding venue. While there are many media and services that provide information and introduce wedding venues, we are one of the few that have actual dress shops. We have a large selection of attractive dresses and a large number of dress coordinators with high customer service skills. The potential of "Dresses" as a new media is that the dress and the people involved in it can attract customers through dress shop operation.